Parish church

Poznań Parish Church is a baroque pearl. Fara is the parish church of the city and it was built by the Jesuits. The construction began in 1651 but the consecration of the temple was after 54 years.

Italian architects watched over the construction of the church-  the façade was designed by Giovanni Catenazzi, the main portal and altar – by Pompeo Ferrari. They and other Italian architects made that the  baroque parish is  the “triumphant baroque” as a very expressive kind of this style  called and created by Roman architects.

16 huge columns made of artificial marble , rich polychrome and  pseudo dome which seems very real- moreover monumental altars , many sculptures and paintings. And yet the church organs, made in 1876 by Friedrich Ladegast, which consist of 2, 579 pipes – the largest is six meters.

8km / 16min.

